Great Article: Agency Selection Essentials: Find a Brand Partner NOT a Media Buyer

I saw this article on Twitter, shared by one of my favorite SEO experts. Although the importance of understanding paid media/advertising the brand agency model is the one that is most important. In real estate, the home search portals are falling short in their “partnership” ability for lead gen, because with their changing business models, they have no way to customize and approach partnerships based on an integrative relationship.


One of the things that excites me about our Branding Agency, (and some more news to come on our services) we can approach our own partnerships more holistically with our clients needs. Getting to know your brand stories, and more smartly- where to apply your marketing budgets allows your ROI to be much higher when you have a partner that understand both worlds, and your long game to growth.

“Partner agencies set brands up for longer-term success. In the short term, what they do can feel in conflict with “get all the sales we can each day,” because it requires strategies that have a longer sales arc and a big picture vision.”

As we look ahead to what makes each of our clients so valuable, is looking at all of our touch points across the relationships.

Any feedback you’d like to share?

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