It's Here! Real Estate Sales and Marketing: Q1 2020

I would LOVE to know Q1 Sales and Marketing Goals for the new decade and new year! Whether you’re an agent, brokerage, or team, I’d love to know what goals you have, what inspires you and keeps you going?

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So we don’t do monetary or number goals at our brokerage. I know its weird but we just started our brokerage on the backs of leaving corp builders and wanted to surgically remove the internal competition and determined that, for us, to have culture win and claim all the good things that come with it we would remove those metrics from the equation. That being said we have loose recruiting goals and we aim to add 2(ish)/mo but we often interview people and determine that they’re not a good fit, too new, etc.

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Speaking as the “webmaster / marketing director” of my wife’s business (she’s just a few months in) I’d say our goal for Q1 is to generate the folks that will turn into 2 deals per month. We’re still just finishing up her setup / branding etc so going slow as she learns, but she already has 1 listing in the bag for 2020 and 2 more coming online shortly. It’s going to be a great year! :slight_smile:


Great goals! And honestly, the brokerages I’ve worked with that have aligned agent success, with high customer satisfaction, (instead of sales numbers) actually find the best agents and fits for their company and culture. I’d like to see more like you :slight_smile:

One of our clients Liv Real Estate out of Edmonton/Calgary does EXACTLY what you are doing with amazing return.

Keep us posted!

Hey Morgan- Thats awesome! Carly is starting off strong!

I’m curious to know…when it comes to “generating the the folks”, are you talking about leveraging the sphere of influence for referrals, or brand new people? Both?

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1st qtr goals sets a pace for sales cadence, but of course is pliable to market conditions. I personally look at what the competition is doing, and make sure that I am a bit contrarian at all times. I finish up any business left over, referrals, my own deals, Lic. MLS, boards etc. Then educate myself and my team about all the news in RE that’s worth discussing or continued discussion from the last quarter. Put that to bed, and start reaching out to local market opportunities; new construction, absorption rates, town or city plans in full swing or about to start, etc.

The most important part of my biz plan, every year, is referral. So I stay connected with my sphere of influence after the first two weeks of the new year, and continue that process throughout the year. I take the time to see what’s on their plate and keep my communication as relevant to them, as I possibly can. I always send them the new updates of my branded app. Instead of outright asking them for referrals, I ask them to “review, and share my app.”

Everyone knows someone that’s moving, buying or selling, so I ask them to share the best “listing and real time data” app (mine) in our local market.

I’ve had the app for over 4 years now, and the shares and referrals are perfectly aligned with how everyone communicates today. I also do a local postcard mailing, twice a year, which always has the app download link and or code. I post listings and my app, on all social media networks, and write articles as well, and I don’t plan or do much more than that. My app helps me do it all! Have a great year.

We’re pure REW lead gen :slight_smile: