Do you know about the new REW Dialer slated to come out later this year?
It’s pretty awesome actually (been testing it for a while) on
Here’s how the UI works:
From any screen where you have access to the lead’s phone number (the main screen, lead details screen, etc) you just click the phone number and it opens up the dial session.
From the session I can:
- Mute the call
- Access a keypad
- Record the call (make sure you ask for permission and follow all local laws)
- Take notes.
The system automatically records the session (so I don’t have to “log a call” afterwards and if I take any notes or I record the call, it is all right there in my call logs.
Of course, as an admin or trainer, I can see all the call logs, notes and listen to recordings as well
Of course, all of this activity also flows into my agent response report in the agents dashboard as well which is pretty cool.
It’s pretty rad actually!
So when can YOU (our customers) get ahold of this thing?
The team is just working on the infrastructure on the backend for provisioning and decommissioning phone numbers (each agent can be assigned their own phone number) and then we should be good to go.
It will have a base price per number which will include a certain amount of monthly minutes, and then if you go over your minutes you’ll just be charged for more minutes.
The reason it has a consumption cost is Twillio (the service provider we use for the calling bridge) has a consumption cost. So the more you use it, the more it costs us (and so we pass this onto the customer).
ETA? I would say in the next 90 days or so. @Aayaam does that sound like a reasonable target for a beta of the REW Dialer?
Once launched, we’d love to have your feedback on what additional features it should have to make it the most useful and competitive real estate CRM integrated dialer on the market.
Can’t wait!