Hey all - we just welcomed a REALLY awesome new marketing customer (his name is Beau Flavin of Flavin Realty)
We got to talking about his needs and he asked us if we could help them up their game in terms of the quality and consistency of their branding and marketing materials going out (social media, emails, blogs etc) -
Of course, that’s REW all day long!
But then I had a thought - as we reviewed their stuff (and we review the marketing coming out from so many other folks as well). We could do a collaborative project on this and through the power of the REW network help raise the bar for quality across our entire family of clients.
To be honest (speaking of brokerage and team marketing) a lot of it could use a little (or a lot) of help.
And certainly, there are challenges in having internal teams “do marketing” in terms of consistency, honoring/sticking to the brand guidelines and maintaining quality.
So here was my idea - I told Beau (who is hiring us to help him with this anyways), if he’d be willing to let us do this as a collab, then I would ping my top design talent from REW corporate marketing (the epic @AmyPye as well as our design leader @ralfpinheiro and I would also volunteer my own time to help make his investment go even further!
So what would this collab be? (Who knows!) But I have an idea of where to start:
I’d like to start by sharing our best examples of marketing - graphics, social posts etc. The hope is together we will discover even more great ideas for messaging, layouts etc.
In exchange for participating, we’ll go ahead and share the work/templates we’re working on for Flavin (And other Customers as they come on board), so that you can take that and use it for your own projects as well (IP notice, you can use it, but you can’t share it with others, sell it or try to use it to compete against us
But seriously - so much of what we do is transferrable to other markets. Sure you might need to change colors, logos, fonts whatever, but the underlying concepts as starting points are REALLY -re-suable.
Here are a few examples we worked on this week:
It’s St Patrick’s day! Let’s celebrate! (And brokerage could take this file, swap out the logo in Canva and share it as is for a huge step up in their social graphics)
What does your agent showcase graphic look like? Is it as nice as this one? (Some of you actually do an amazing job at marketing… @staciestaub I’m looking at you! So I would not be surprised if you didn’t have something awesome. But many don’t. So why not borrow ours?
How about a quote of the day? This was something Flavin was doing that was a cool idea, but it need some polish.
Pretty cool right? I think inspirational leaders like @Pozek who have a big following would rock something like this.
Am I making sense with this idea? Together we can do even more!
And we’re not asking you to pay for anything! Participate in the colab part (and get access to our work) no charge!
What’s Beau’s incentive (who is paying for this in terms of custom help for him and his team?) He gets Amy, Me and Ralf, REW’s top leaders in this space at no charge for being awesome and sharing. Plus when others bring ideas and contribute work, he gets to use those without paying for them, so it’s a win / win.
What’s your incentive? Help us with ideas, and requests, and share this program with others, you get use/access to the base templates that you can change up for your use for free!
What’s REW’s incentive:
Lot’s of things: We showcase our work. (More people will see we are the most talented group of designers in all of real estate)
Our clients (like Beau) make their dollars go further by receiving as much in return as they give.
We’ll get paid - some of our clients will love this idea, but won’t want to take the time to swap out the colours, logos, agents etc - so I’m sure some of ya’ll will use your retainers to have us custom create your own, hyper local stuff too!
Anyways - that’s the idea! What do you think? Who wants to share a few of their favorite / most effective marketing pieces with us? We’ll shoot you these (and many more to come) files in return for your own use.
Oh yeah @dmay and @TylerMarrin @livrealestate - how could I forget to ping you folk?
@Jeff and @ReneeFunk didn’t you just do a rebrand?
Let’s start this discussion. Would love to hear your ideas around this