What is your favourite thing about instagram?

For me, I like filters. I don’t use them all the time, but when I do, I get a quick fix of creativity and then I can quickly share that creativity with my connections.

And honestly, I feel like filters really are an art. You can do some pretty epic things with them when combined with practice and great photography.

What do you love about Instagram?


I love the stories! I post most of my content on stories. It somehow feels more acceptable to post random stuff or current of the moment stuff there. It won’t clutter my grid and if I don’t 100% love the picture or video I know it will be gone soon! I’m also addicted to watching them.


Stories are the new thing. You get hooked on watching them. It’s just like how Netflix starts the next episode right after the last, it doesn’t give you a chance to think about it.

I’m a big fan of curated grids, people who take the time to post pictures with the same filters, and same styles of photos. Makes it easy to want to scroll through them.


Cool photos. Fewer political and business related posts.


Hi Matt,
I envy those people with flawless grids! They look so beautiful. I am !00% an emotional poster. Meaning I like to post what’s happening in the moment and it’s more of an organic approach. Bri White a RE/MAX agent in Florida recently did a podcast about the 2 different type of posters. It was really interesting!

Instagram is recognized to be the best social media platform for engagement or ability as a brand to attach with your followers. It's simple, visual, and it's attracting the younger generations more than other social media handles. It can go beyond just visuals.

I have MANY instagram accounts for different reasons…art, fitness, business… I wish they looked a bit more curated. But like @Carly I post in the moment. I recently downloaded an app called PicsArt and the filters are beautiful - especially for landscapes. I rarely use the Insta filters anymore.

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