Jennifer Hart
"All the books in the world would not have helped me like the Biddy Tarot Certification Program! The access to the community was HUGE!"
All the books in the world would not have helped me like the Biddy Tarot Certification Program! The access to the community was HUGE! Being able to (and required to!) do practice readings helped get me out of my head and even into a space where I felt confident to do a live event while going through the course.
The access to the community really helped ease a lot of anxiety. It helped to know there were people to cheer me on and help when needed.
I think knowing that I had to finish the practice readings to get certified really helped me make that move. I am great at studying but freeze when it comes to doing. The practice readings gave me more confidence to do live readings.
The community membership was so important. I wasn’t super active but knowing it was there when I needed help really eased a lot of anxiety. And the practice readings were a real game changer.
Initially the cost kept me from signing up years ago but now that I’ve taken the course I can see that it is 100% worth the investment!
This has been an amazing experience, even if I only ever read for friends and family.