I am looking for a link to tell me how I can set up individual agents sites on my website.
Hi @Foz
To create the agent subdomain websites you have to go to the edit agent page in the backend and then at the bottom of that page there is a toggle for “Agent Website Enabled”
Set that to “Yes” and a text input field will appear for the “Agent Link” - so there you’d put what you want the subdomain to be and then hit save and it’ll create the subdomain for you to start editing the content.
When a new agent site is created a notification is sent to IDX department to enable that agent sites IDX listings ( as most boards need to know which agents are using the feed and some require paperwork for each agent )
Then you’ll just need to add their content, edit the snippets for the footer info, phone number, logo, and social media links.
The Support Documentation for the “Agents” section is located here: https://support.realestatewebmasters.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002462366-Agents
Im on my agents subdomain https://tara.viprealestate.com/
Im in the snippets section ( site- logo ). Im not sure how to change the code to add our office logo.
For now I changed Renaissance text to say VIP Realty. However, that didn’t update on the live site…