Does anyone know what platform this site uses?

Hi there! I’m totally new to this forum… my name is Doug. Nice to meet you!

I have one question to start things off. I have a realtor client that likes another site in terms of it’s property search platform. It’s this site here (I’m not able to share actual URL/link):

He’s currently using the kvCore WordPress plugin, but not enjoying how clunky and slow it is, and poor interface.

Does anyone know what platform that livrealestate[DOT]ca website is using? Knowing this would be a big help!

Thanks in advance!

It is the Real Estate Webmasters Renaissance platform with some custom work. Please note all design works and code are copyright real estate webmasters Inc, if your client wants to use this framework they must purchase it directly from us

Do you have a page on this Renaissance platform and pricing? Is it something that can be purchased by a web designer for use with their client?

Hi Morgan, just following up on this. What I’m trying to determine is if there’s any solutions for realtors that have EXISTING websites. So, not looking for a new website, but to integrate into an existing one. Is this possible?

Not possible, no - Renaissance is a proprietary platform. You would have to refer your client to us.

ah got it, okay thank you!