Listing alerts - Agent headshot / picture

Where can I change the size of the headshot used for listing alerts? I’d like to decrease the size.
Example screenshot:

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Hi Brad,

Thank you for your inquiry and welcome back to REW.
I’m going to create a ticket to our technical team to look into this further. In the meantime, what is the best email for us to reach you?

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That is quite big, isn’t it, @Bofficer?

@Soyihong Would there be any reason it wouldn’t be best to reply in the thread so that we all know the answer to this great question?


I agree. I feel the personal photos used for listings and the agent pages (especially the home page agent feature snippet) are unnecessarily huge.


@judyorr @ashby45
Response from the ticket was in a nutshell: It’s big because you are looking at it on your phone, on the desktop it looks correctly proportioned. There is no way to change the size… you can however remove your photo completely.

Thanks for the update Brad. On the desktop it looks big too - oh well.


Yeah, that’s what I was just thinking haha. I mean it’s not necessarily huge on desktop, but it’s definitely not proportional to any other “signature” I have ever seen.

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