New Year, New Features!

It’s 2022 and I hope you all had an amazing start to the year like us! Why not shoot that excitement up with the new features we are rolling out in the upcoming release:

Creating A Default Subdomain for Agent & Team Sites

The Super Admin can now preset the default content for agent and team subdomains.
A new ‘Edit Default Subdomain’ button is added to the Company>> Agent page of REW-CRM for Super admins to preset the default subdomain content. Once the default content is configured by the super admin it will be applied across all the newly created agent and team subdomains.

Note: These changes are not retroactive and do not apply to the existing agent and team subdomains.

Watch the video here:
Creating a default subdomain for agent sites

Allow Agents to Create Their Own Action Plans

Agents will be able to create and assign their action plans to the leads.
Once this feature is implemented, agents can create their own action plans and allocate them to their assigned leads.

Watch the video here:
Allow Agents to create their own Action Plans

Thank You Messages on Form Submissions

Super Admins, agents and teams can now configure unique ‘thank-you messages’ for their form submissions.
You can find this feature in REW-CRM>>Content>>Tools. This feature allows you to configure unique thank you messages for all your default form submissions.

For reference purposes, a snippet with sample source code, #example-thank-you-messages# is added to the CMS snippets section. This snippet is purely for reference purposes and cannot be used on pages, like other snippets.

Watch the video here:
Thank You Messages on Form Submissions

The list doesn’t end there. We have accomplished some impressive hardening too, in this release. Please refer to the video material for more insights and do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions. If you love the new features give kudos to our incredible product development team Matt, Mike, Phil and Fernando!


@Elianna I like that editable message option and a bit off topic but perfect timing.

I can’t figure out why after all these years with various websites built by REW has the email notification changed (and wonder if this was just an over sight).

As far back as I can recall (I have been with REW since 2008) the subject line of various forms/listings inquiries had more info.
Example…When a lead requests a showing it doesn’t say anything about what property.

Subject just says: Inquire Form (that is all it says in the subject)

Supposed to Property Showing Request (or something like that) and then the address then domain name after Example:

Property Showing - 123 Maple Street, City Name, State - (unsure if it has at the end of the subject line as I can’t recall since it has been so long with this change)

Same issue with Quick Showing, contact, question, request info, etc etc… subject just says : “Inquire Form” instead of Quick Showing Submission - (or something else regarding the listing they are emailing about)

Listing Inquiry/Question: should say: Listing Inquiry (or question about a listing?) - 123 Maple Street, City Name (still unsure if it has at the end of the subject link as i can’t recall)

Was this left out for a reason?


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Thank you @Mike for the excellent suggestion to add a meaningful subject line to the forms. I have noted this for further discussions with the team and the product owner.