How do you work as a team in the CRM?

Teams that are using the CRM, what have you found works best for your workflow in the CRM?

I know most teams do not function similarly. Do you use your single agent website or do you use a team website?

Any obstacles you come across frequent?

Most of our teams have their own autonomous full platforms (not a whole lot use sub domains) so take this with a grain of salt, but “in general” - our top producing teams all use ISA’s who have some level of admin credentials. They process the leads first (calling several times, setting up searches, sending emails and text etc) all taking the lead from unknown to warm prospect.

Once an ISA has warmed a lead they will assign a lead to an agent directly and do a warm handoff.

I would imagine for teams using sub domains (as you say) each one will have their own way of working and own structure, so not sure how much of a one size fits all there is. Some teams share leads, and then turn on “allow full or partial access” some teams just distribute on a round robin and some might pick a team member based on buy side vs sell side, area, price point, property type or other factors.

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