How to edit the Community CTA

To edit the photo on the community CTA (shown below)

To learn more about how to upload an image follow the steps in this guide

In a similar way, you can edit the text on the community CTA

  • Change the text highlighted in the image below to give a personalized touch

  • Click Save when you are done!


Thank you! Our CTA is looking GOOD!


It would appear that the Snippet for Communtiy-cta has changed and I cannot see where I can change the image… any further instructions are welcomed ;-).

Hi @Foz

Thanks for your inquiry. The community-cta is still the same.

You will have to upload an image before you add it to this community-cta snippet.
Here are the steps to upload an image in the backend Upload an image to use in a CMS snippet

I hope this helps!

Let me know if you require further assistance on this :slight_smile:
