Renee Funk | eXp Realty

Hello fellow REW Family! TODAY is a great day…the return of the REW forums is so exciting!

This month, September 2019, I am celebrating my 2 year anniversary with eXp Realty. Together, with my husband Jeffrey Funk, we are Team Leaders of The Funk Collection in Orlando, Florida, as well as 2x recipients of the eXp Realty ICON Award. We have been REW customers for nearly 6 years, and are happy to be in development with REW for the next generation of our website,

The return of the forums presents new opportunity for connection with this awesome group of talent. I value high level, authentic, collaboration… tremendously… and look forward to sharing, reconnecting, and building new relationships within this exceptional REW community.


Renee Funk :grinning:
Orlando, Florida


Super excited to see the forums back (and so glad to have you as a founding member).

Since we’re in the EXP category, I’d love to hear about some of the folks you think we should invite here.

Who are some of the most collaborative, authentic creative folks that you have run into or that you mastermind with at EXP. Let’s get them an invite :smiley:

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Hi Rennee,

I can’t wait to learn and grow with you on this forum!


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@Morgan How do I invite someone to join this forum? Sorry for the dumb question, but I do not see an invite user link. :tired_face:

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@ReneeFunk there should be a share button by the reply button.

Click it and you can share on social or invite.

See below


And then you see this:


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Thank you… hello, forrest …see the trees.

#couldntseeit :woman_facepalming:t3:

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Let’s get some folks invited shall we! :smiley: