Would you like to know “How do I edit the website footer on Renaissance?”. Just like the top navigation, this is an important item as it applies to both site admins and agents with their own subdomains.
Editing the site footer is really easy, especially since it’s all contained in one location:
Start by logging into the backend, click on the primary search button (top right).
In the search menu, type footer-body and select the matching search result.
On the following page, you can edit the column titles, add/edit links, and adjust your social media links.
On the footer snippet page, scroll through the snippet markup looking for where you want to add a new link. Then simply paste the following code where you want the link displayed.
<a href="/link-url.php">Link Title</a>
Once pasted change the link URL and link title.
Editing links can be done by changing the link URL and link title of any existing links.
Editing column titles is even simpler, just look for the text between any <h2></h2> tags.
Then simply edit the text between these tags to change the column titles.
Keep scrolling down through the snippet markup and you will see the social media code.
Then add/edit each of your social media links between the quotations next to the href= (replace the # with your link).
Will we have easier access to headers to add or edit tracking codes?
On the old platform we have to submit the code which was them added by support. Tag Manager helped with this but for future non Google tags it would be easier to add them directly.
I understand the need for security so perhaps a new permission can be added or given to just one class of user.
By default you can add conversion tracking codes through the Content section.
Content > Tools > Conversion Tracking.
Another option would be to edit the site-navigation snippet and add your code/pixel/tags to the snippet markup.
If it has to be within the <head></head> files I believe you would still need to discuss with the support team about the options for them to implement.
Can you add a Youtube URL to your admin profile? Have to check on this one with the team. Be back soon @Prakriti@Aayaam do you know if there is one? Can you find out?
@RichardSoto All sites that are non-custom get updated. If your site is custom, then you can either use an existing retainer to upgrade to the latest release or reach out to your account manager.
We post it when released, since it’s almost every month you don’t have to wait long to know what’s coming out next (but I can check and see if I can get @Aayaam to leak something