Amy and I have been working on a new design for a seller page/section for the new #renaissance website.
Here are the mockups, would love to hear what you think and how you might improve them. *Main form inspired by (owned by REW) and side by side put in there as a placeholder, similar was referenced on
We’re proposing a 2 step process: Make it easy for them to commit with just their address and email, but then when they hit submit, it asks for more information
@Deethu we should make sure we update the req’s on this to include the additional fields and graphics from the mockup We should try to push this by Feb to new installs.
It’s on any page under the templates section, but I would wait for V2, since it’s design is approved and we’re working on it for the next release. @AmyPye can you post new mockups? @Aayaam can you share an ETA?
Do you have an option to use Facebook/Gmail address, it would be nice to use that data if they are logged in already.
This would also be great instead of “home assessment” to copy the page and label it as “free-property profile” that way you get another lead for down the road.
Also - July release notes coming soon (they just finished that update) and there is some cool stuff! But here’s a short list of some of the updates (fixes, small updates etc removed to shorter list)
Added H1 headline in blogs
Snippets can be used in the blog
Listing detail modification in Renaissance
Adding collapsible sidebar to Renaissance
IDX snippet search bar to have more dropdown options
View Gallery - Photo Gallery to start with the fifth photo in the list
Added alt text to the single blog post image within content
Minor changes to alt text in IDX Details Agent Image
Adding Alt text to Featured Community Image
Minor changes to the Alt text in homepage Hero Image
Reduced the margin and font size for Renaissance on smaller screens.
Updated user flow for seller template
Reduced the margin and font size for Renaissance on smaller screens
Add agent website to the agent details header
Improvements in the Show All offices in the Other Office Location
Community images maintain a specific aspect ratio whether content exists or not
Limit hero images width to 2560px
Fixed the vertical alignment of menu in header navigation
Featured community link should be clickable with template change
Created a text overlay in CMS pages with a hero image
Removed the logo size restriction on sites
New Seller page template option
Added the YouTube icon to the footer in Renaissance
Mortgage calculator default settings now configurable for clients
Listing detail pagination enhanced (Previous & Next CTAs)
Added a side-side CTA for the home assessment form
Quicksearch is configurable to load as buy/rent/sell, rent and sell can be globally disabled by clients
Fixed the issue of Listing photos appearing blurry in hybrid searches and IDX snippets
Fixed the issue of featured community images resizing after uploading
Added three column style class that clients can use in the site navigation dropdowns
Added About and Features header to the listing details page (standardized these options for the listing details page)
Home assessment form would now populate CMA tool if CMA is enabled for the user
Added canonical links to avoid duplicate urls and improve SEO
Added new form letters and categories to Renaissance users
Viewing a saved search will not limit the bounds if there is no map bounds saved
Days on Website to display as a Min/Max range dropdown
The preferred method text option on register page would now display if twilio is enabled
Pages would now anchor to the right section in real estate statistics
Added seller page to default install data
Created a module snippet that the users can put on a page to feature the newest blogs
Added new form letters for Renaissance users
Phone number feature made visible on mobile and tablets
Updated the social media links in the website to open in a new tab when clicked
Added new WPO improvements
Multiple ADA adjustments in Renaissance
Updated and the header tags on the blog cards
Added disclaimer (compliance verbiage) under community statistics and the full module Mortgage Calculator
DBC emails for specific date now includes “repeat every year” option
Ability to perform actions (call, text, email) within contact history modal
Ability to manually log texts message in REW CRM (without REWText)
Add “My listings my leads” as admin control in settings
Re-enabling Gmail integration must refresh access token
Link to lead details for action plan tasks in what’s next sidebar
Display the additional instructions for action plan tasks
Add auto-focus when replying/sending lead messages
Move enable/disable toggle to top of conversion tracking
Campaign emails to include view/edit of custom sender details
Campaign emails will auto-fill custom sender when available
Campaign email at bottom of list is now expanded by default
Add placeholder text & background colour to text area inputs in CRM
Remove blog restriction for display of IDX snippet title
IDX Feed Settings
Action plans tasks with “day 0” was changed to start right away
A green dot (Online Now feature) is displayed for all the online CRM leads
Updated the sub-type dropdown to multiselect for IDX searches
Updated the CRM search modal to handle checklist values with commas
The system now allows filter by Agent if given permission to view Agents
Removed the “Maximum height” text from the logo uploader
Increased the limit across the CMS to display 100 results per page
Clicking on “snippets used”in CMS now opens the link in a new tab
Ability to Delete a CMS page from that page
Added new agent permissions to the new installs
Changed the Graph API version for Facebook Social Connect
Canadian feeds to show Postal (not Zipcode) on Listing details page
Updated saved searches list in CRM to reflect criteria after saved
Updated the blogs to open the ‘Snippets used’ link in a new tab
Just wanted to give you a heads up - My site had this too and noticed yours did, not sure if its for everyone but may want to check out. See screenshot.
Hi all, there are links in that snippet that seem to be only anchored to the top of the page. Is there another help page around the seller page snippet?